Josh and Adrienne talk about what tactical efforts can be made to ensure you’re operating as efficiently as possible.
Look at the most important pieces of marketing first: buyer’s journey, homepage analytics, and low-hanging fruit.
Know how you compare to industry standards.
What are the cap rates for each area of your focus? What is the opportunity cost to increase certain benchmarks?
Find industry benchmarks from industry reports, Databox benchmark reports
How to identify if you’re reaching a point of diminishing returns? Look at data holistically, what low-hanging fruit is available, and where are there leaks in your funnel that can be tightened and refined.
Buyer’s journey: How to identify opportunities in your buyer’s journey?
What does the model of attribution look like?
Look at one thing at a time, before changing all things. Keep a record of changes that have been made, when you made them, and what were the results of the test.
Align all copy campaign material with your positioning and messaging.
Tie your KPIs to larger organizational goals. This helps each team member understand exactly how their job and responsibilities help the overall org meet its goals.
Slow down to get back to speed.
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