Josh and Adrienne talk about what the current economy looks like and how it can impact marketers, especially those in B2B SaaS.
As a caveat, Josh and Adrienne are not market experts and are not giving any advice. We’re two people being impacted and want to share our perspectives.
Some thoughts on how to operate in weird times:
Rent space where you can.
As a business owner operating at odd times, hire long-term contractors before hiring full-time in-house.
Don’t keep up with the Jones’
Follow your own customers and their demands.
Key Takeaway:
Get your house in order. Know your metrics, numbers, and customers.
p.s. We recorded this episode last week, before the SVB collapse. That would have changed a lot of what we said, but we wanted to share the episode and our thoughts on this current market because the final takeaway is still important.
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