Marketing Retro Podcast
Marketing Retro Podcast
Where can you market your product in places that aren't expected

Where can you market your product in places that aren't expected

Josh shares one of his favorite marketing strategies: finding underutilized real estate in Referral Rock’s marketing.

What does underutilized real estate mean? It’s when marketing is found in unexpected but intentional places.

Obvious Marketing Places:

  • Home Page

  • Landing Pages

  • Social Media

  • Newsletter

Underutilized Marketing Places:

  • Customer Onboarding

  • Email footers

  • After form pages- demo request, white paper, lead magnet, etc

  • “powered by” brand

  • Zoom links and backgrounds

  • Social Media bios

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Marketing Retro Podcast
Marketing Retro Podcast
Adrienne and Josh's weekly marketing podcast where two friends discuss their opinions on varying marketing topics